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Installing USB Drivers on Windows

    To flash or debug a Konnected device with a Windows 10 or 11 computer, you first need to download and install the CP210x Universal Windows Driver from Silicon Labs.

    Universal Windows driver

    1. Download the driver file above, or visit Silicon Labs website for more details.

    2. Open the Downloads folder on your computer (or wherever you downloaded the file), right-click on CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver.zip and click Extract All...

    3. Extract the folder to your Downloads folder or somewhere on your computer.

    4. Open the extracted folder, then right-click on silabser.inf which has an icon of a page with gear. Select Show more options from the pop-up menu.

    5. Then select Install.

    6. Click Yes to allow changes to be made to your computer.

    Congrats! You've installed the Windows driver for Konnected devices!

    Now you can connect to a Konnected device using your computer with a USB cable, update or reset the device's firmware, and download device logs from Konnected's web-based flash tool at https://install.konnected.io.