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Device Debugging with PuTTY

Windows users can quickly and easily connect their Konnected device to their computer for interactive debugging using the free PuTTY software. 

  1. Download and install PuTTY for your Windows computer.

      PuTTY Download

  2. Download and install the device driver for your operating system and Konnected hardware version. This allows your computer to communicate with the device via a USB connection.

  3. Using a data-quality USB cable with micro-USB connector, connect the Konnected device to your computer. If the driver was installed correctly, you should see a new USB-serial device pop-up in the system tray. Note the name of the COM port (e.g. COM3) for the next step.
  4. Launch PuTTY. Under Session, select Serial for Connection Type.
  5. Under Category, click Connection > Serial. Choose the COM port from step 3 in the field "Serial line to connect to" and set the Speed (baud) setting to 115200. Click Open.
  6. A terminal window will appear. Press the REBOOT or RST button on the Konnected device to reboot it, and you should begin to see the scrolling console output from the Konnected device.